Catholic schools have the responsibility to promote cultures of trust, cooperation and respect. St Patrick’s is committed to the provision of a safe and supportive environment free from harassment and intimidation. Accordingly, we do not tolerate bullying. Bullying behaviour is in conflict with the core values and purpose of St Patrick’s.

It is our goal to promote a safe environment where individuals may grow and develop. We are aware that some students with personal and social problems manifest themselves in behaviours which are disrespectful of school rules and codes of conduct or harmful to the well-being and security of other students. It is believed that well-articulated, understood and implemented policies and procedures minimise the risk of inappropriate behaviours becoming accepted, tolerated or even endemic.

The modelling of positive behaviours and anti-bullying strategies in our school is an important aspect of student learning and parent reporting. 

Bullying needs to be recognized, named and addressed to ensure we work towards an authentic Christian school culture. In order to ensure that the above is a reality, we encourage proactive strategies where staff are vigilant, where data collected is closely analysed and where desired behaviour is acknowledged and rewarded.

We believe that a school which promotes open discussion on the topic amongst all stakeholders will work towards a process where bullying incidents will be reduced.


Bullying may be defined as a student being exposed, repeatedly and over time, to intentional injury or discomfort inflicted by one or more other students. This may include physical contact, verbal assault, making obscene gestures or facial expressions and intentionally excluding the student.

Bullying is thus conceived largely in behavioural terms, that is, it involves negative actions on the part of the perpetrator.

Conflict or fights between students or single incidents are not usually defined as bullying.

Bullying can be determined by the impact or effect it has on the victim.


  • Physical – pushing, hitting etc.
  • Exclusion – person is isolated
  • ‘Billy cart’ – fun for a while-move on
  • On sight – randomly selected targets
  • Collusive – perpetrator aligns with a power group
  • Strategic – not overt (undermines)
  • Educated – use knowledge to gain power over others
  • Cyber bullying- bullying from a distance that utilises technology (such as instant messaging, online chat rooms, online bulletin boards and email)